Monday 9 February 2009

strong stronger strongest !!!

It's Monday morning and i still have my cough since laaast week. I went to two clinics in a week coz my cough getting worst... i asked for the strongest antibiotic.. it was bigger than the first one and i almost choked (keluar2 air mata minum air ni.. T_T).
Today, i m still weak (lebih2 lagi Monday waduhh!)..Ok that would be all for now, i cant think of any @ the moment.. need to have rest.. whoopss!!


CathJ said...

Masih sakit kee?? Heheheh... kalau u minum ubat batuk,jangan minum air...kalau tidak lambat baik ohh...anyhow.. get well soon my fren..

wendi said...

ya thank you cj (sa minum tanpa air la ni)

CHINA DOLL said...

Wen, minta doktor jarum ko supaya cepat baik.
Minum air suam banyak2 ataupun makan tu sarang burung bikin cepat kasih baik tu batuk. Take care aah...

wendi said...

Mi thank you..