Thursday, 15 January 2009

terkenang semasa duluuu...

yaaa gambar lama ni tahun 1993 (if i m not mistaken la) time ni masa study di ITM caw. Sabah (duuulu ITM now UiTM)... this was my room, my katil di atas, tuu c flora tu di atas katil.

Uii ada juga blogger di gambar ni mcm c Chinadoll, Blossom .... (LOL)

activity during kolej, naik Gunung Kinabalu. My first time.
(Below) : Resting @ Laban Rata n waiting for the next day to continue to the peak.

This was my team who managed to reach the peak.. Congrats!

I managed to reach peak 7 times yearly except last year and dunno for this year, anyone got a trip to mt kinabalu? inform me....!!! I miss Mt. Kinabalu..


Blossom said...

jppmom pun ada tu........

Mouren said...

Masa kurus wj?..hihihi :p

wendi said...

kitai ko mk

CathJ said...

Napa nda post terbaru punya photo wd?? C cecilia kah tu pegang bola?
LOL... Saya 1 kali saja....mcm 2 hati saya mau naik lagi tu gunung... penat dia masih saya ingat sampai skrg!!!! LOL... Aku rela p vacation! aduh...

wendi said...

yaaa c cecelia la tu cj

CHINA DOLL said...

Tengok rambut c neetot dulu. Hahahaha...
nanti aku mo suruh neetot tengok blog ko ni.

wendi said...

ya ba kan Mi hahahaa

jppmom said...

alalala ndak sanggup ku lihat gambar ni, hahahahaha

wendi said...
