Monday, 24 November 2008

Happy Sunday

Yesterday i met my old best friend Catherine J and Mouren K... Bella G didn't make it coz' she got another plan 2 do.. (yaa there r 4 of us since we were in school..) Some photos taken during the day.. so lets njoy the pics ...

me, catherine, mouren

sambil makan2, mouren on diet.. hihihi, indaaa dia duluan makan tu..

we surf interent for latest news (mcm2 news we baca, ekonomi, hiburan n baaaanyak lagi, wow serious pula kami ni hihihi)

then terbaca berita lucu hahaaa..

sempat lagi update blog ..

cath said,"heemmm y this internet ahh so slow like the kura-kura?"

Mouren said,"go go go faster catch the ball, catch the ball, woiii the red t-shirt, kick the ball laa, aiyaaaa .....," hahaha Mouren was playing a game with her son... wahh anak ajar mama main game, bulih tahannn...

alaaaaa daddy suda main game, mama urus anak nangissss minta susu


CathJ said...

lama tida visit your blog..Pandai2 you take my photo dari belakang ahhh....

wendi said...

aikk baru ko tau cj?