Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Hadiah dari Kanada

Terima kasih Suelyn J Brooke.
Saya dapat ni hadiah ngam ngam 14/2/2009. Pandai juga ko kasih ngam2 tu date ah hehehe..

Ya sukaaa, cute ba! Thank You and take care...

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Farrah A & Sheila J

The Seksi Blog Award KHAS untuk You Two

Award from CatJ

Thanks for the Award.. Hope I really Make Your Day! ^_^
Would like to share too to all who read Myown... Thank You!

Monday, 9 February 2009

strong stronger strongest !!!

It's Monday morning and i still have my cough since laaast week. I went to two clinics in a week coz my cough getting worst... i asked for the strongest antibiotic.. it was bigger than the first one and i almost choked (keluar2 air mata minum air ni.. T_T).
Today, i m still weak (lebih2 lagi Monday waduhh!)..Ok that would be all for now, i cant think of any @ the moment.. need to have rest.. whoopss!!